Kiddwaya sends cooking message to Erica

Terseer Waya, popularly known as Kiddwaya, a former contestant on Big Brother Naija’s ‘All Stars’ edition, has extended an unexpected invitation to his ex-lover, actress Erica Nlewedim, to share a meal prepared by him. The invitation came after Erica expressed her perplexity on Twitter about what to do with a live chicken she had acquired.

Erica’s tweet, “What do I do with a live chicken? 😫,” caught Kiddwaya’s attention, prompting him to respond with an invitation for her to visit his home. He offered to use the live chicken to prepare Pocho soup, stating, “Come let me cook pocho for you.”

The interaction set social media ablaze with speculation, as fans, known as ‘shippers,’ eagerly interpreted the gesture as a potential sign of reconciliation between the former couple. Tweets such as @tunzbabyy’s “My girl would have almost fainted by now @iamtemade” and @SAVYJOLA’s playful “Shippers… 1, 2, 3😂” flooded the microblogging platform, fueling rumors of a rekindled romance.

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